Top 10 vacation destinations without tourists

Published on 8 décembre 2022

Destinations sans touristes

Are you looking for a quiet vacation? To enjoy a beach without the smell of your towel neighbor's perspiration? There are some destinations you should definitely avoid. We've put together a top 10 list of destinations where you can enjoy a vacation without tourists.



1. Bhutan 🇧🇹

Le bhoutan

Bhutan is known as the "Land of Happiness", and for good reason. About the size of Switzerland, the country lies to the east of the Himalayas and close to India. There are only 720,000 inhabitants, so you won't be bothered by the locals either. On the contrary, I hear they're particularly welcoming.

However, if you want to go there, you'll have to go through a tour operator. Bhutan has introduced a tax to prevent too many tourists. You won't regret your stay.

2. Madagascar Island 🇲🇬


Located near the south-east of Africa, Madagascar leaves no one indifferent. In fact, you'll find a wide variety of fauna and flora unique in the world.

Only 255,000 tourists dare to set foot on the island each year. The island suffers from a bad reputation, as the population is affected by incredible poverty, and the political instability doesn't exactly make you want to settle there permanently.

3. Marhsall Islands 🇲🇭

Les iles mareshall

If you're looking for a real getaway and that unique feeling of being away from the rest of the world, then the Marshall Islands should be at the top of your destination list. This archipelago, with its almost unspoilt beauty, only hosts some 6,000 tourists every year, mainly due to its remote geographical position, far from the mainland.

Reaching this terrestrial paradise requires a certain commitment. Indeed, you'll have to endure several hours spent either by plane or on board a boat to reach its shores. Once there, however, you'll discover landscapes worthy of the most beautiful postcards, with beaches of sand so fine it seems almost unreal, a sea of turquoise shades so limpid it invites you to swim, all bordered by palm trees gently dancing to the rhythm of the breeze.

And to top it all off, the climate of the Marshall Islands is mild, offering almost constant good weather all year round.

4. French Guyana 🇬🇫

La guyane

Nestled in South America, French Guiana, a French overseas territory, remains a little-known destination for the general public. It attracts a mere 245,000 visitors every year. The main reason for this is that many holidaymakers opt for more famous destinations in Latin America, such as the lively beaches of Brazil or the breathtaking landscapes of Argentina.

However, those who decide to give French Guiana a try will soon discover that this French department is full of priceless treasures. The diversity of its landscapes is breathtaking: on the one hand, you have miles of coastline with golden beaches bathed by the Atlantic Ocean, and on the other, the lush immensity of the Amazon rainforest, offering rich biodiversity and an incomparable adventure experience.

5. Siberia 🇷🇺

La Sibérie

If you like rustic lands that take you back to another time, think Siberia. You'll probably be the only French tourist to visit such a destination. You'll have the opportunity to visit magnificent caves and reconnect with nature over several thousand kilometers. If you're not afraid of the cold, choose the winter season.

6. Burma 🇲🇲

La birmanie

Twenty years ago, Burma was an impassable country. Fortunately, it has decided to open its doors to us. It boasts a cultural heritage that is unique in the world. You'll glide between Buddhist temples. Make the most of it. In a few years' time, Burma may well become a major tourist destination. In any case, the country has everything to please.

7. Suriname 🇸🇷

Le suriname

Would you like to lose yourself in nature? Enjoy the freshness of the Amazon rainforest? Suriname, close to Brazil, is the country for you. Every year, it welcomes some 278,000 tourists. You'll discover an incredible natural setting. You'll meet exotic animals we've never seen before.

8. New Caledonia 🇳🇨

La nouvelle Calédonie

Lost in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, New Caledonia sees just 121,000 tourists disembark each year. The lack of visitors is due to the distance between the islands and the mainland. It takes several hours by boat to reach the islands. What's more, taking off from Paris, it's a 24-hour flight.

But it's well worth the wait. You'll enjoy translucent water, a heavenly landscape, magnificent wildlife and multiple waterfalls amidst forests. What's more, there's a French island on which the locals are very welcoming. When you step off the plane, you'll be welcomed with a necklace of flowers to keep. Do you know many countries that welcome you in this way?

9. Paraguay 🇵🇾

La paraguay

A Latin American country, Paraguay is rarely visited, as it lies between Brazil, Bolivia and Argentina. A land of adventure, you'll lose yourself in the hills and forests as far as the eye can see. The climate is quite pleasant, even in late summer. You're unlikely to come across any French people here, as tourism is essentially local.

10. Togo 🇹🇬

Le Togo

Would you like to discover African culture and venture into the savannah? Togo is one of Africa's smallest countries. You'll be immersed in a culture that's unique in the world. You'll feel right at home. At present, Togo is trying to put in place a tourist-friendly policy. In a few years, it will be too late to enjoy the peace and quiet.


11. Bonus: The trick to saving up to 30% on airport parking 🚗


If you need to take the train or plane, it can be difficult to find a safe place to park your car. Blue Valet provides a valet service to drop you off and pick you up in your own vehicle, so you can enjoy your vacation without worrying about your car.

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